Prestige Pipe


Scott Layman was hired not only to photograph the Prestige vape pipe for Avail Vapor, but was also hired to create the logo and package design. This product photo shoot set up was photographed at our Richmond studios using a unique wood table for our table top set up. A lighting rig was set up to create a nice soft lighting style to bring out the pipe’s wood grain and rich red, orage, gold, and chrome colors the product has.

The e-pipe and packaging that we photographed for AVAIL Vapor was from the Legend Series-Prestige. It was available in two different colors of hand carved wood for the pipe head, but the version that was chosen to be photographed was the Redwood. Using this photograph we designed different sales sheets in several catalogs, advertisements, and blast emails for AVAIL Vapor.

We chose to use a fireplace as the background for this photoshoot because the client wanted to remind people about the timelessness of relaxing with a pipe in front of a fire after a hard day of work. The fireplace along with the beautiful hardwood tabletop worked together to highlight this vintage-styled vaping pipe and to achieve the client’s goal.


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... His work is second to none; whether he is coming up with the creative direction, shooting, editing or what ever, its always spot on the first go around. With Scott you get big agency professional work with caring personal service. I can assure you that you will NOT be disappointed...

Travis Weisleder, CEO
InterActive Financial Marketing Group / Carloan.com