
Event Logos

From Festivals to Car Shows, we know what to create to get a viewer's attention. Any successful event begins with a memorable and well-designed logo. Your logo should reflect the values, energy, and age group of your audience. Designs can be bright and bold or soft and subtle depending on your audience. Let us work with you on creating a defining logo for your event.

  • 5k Run-Walk To Remember
  • All American Muscle Car Celebration
  • DWC’s First Annual Masquerade Ball
  • FFS’s 2020 Conservation Games
  • Roar Soar Car Aircraft Show
  • Stephen Thomas Homes 40 Years
  • Virginia Mega Mile

...Whether it is developing a marketing strategy, graphic art, branding, website development or advertising, Scott Layman provides thoughtful, effective and timely work...

Mark Kilduff, Economic Development Consultant
Mark R Kilduff Consulting