Divas Wine Club

Masquerade Ball Flyer

Divas Wine Club

This flyer was created in 2017 for a Masquerade Ball produced by the Diva’s Wine Club. It was used to promote the event and inform the viewers about what the event would entail.

<br /><b>Warning</b>: Undefined variable $page_no in <b>/home2/laymanne/public_html/projects.php</b> on line <b>609</b><br />Divas Wine Club Masquerade Ball Flyer Print

...Viewers of my films tended to chime in with the following comments and questions — “I enjoyed the ‘look’ of this film.”....”I like the way that shot was framed.”....“Who was your cinematographer?”.... “How did you achieve that lighting? Was it natural or filtered in post production?” ALL of the aforementioned can be attributed to the masterful eye, keen preparation, and creative lensing of Thomas Scott Layman...

Bill Brock, actor / director / screenwriter
Independent filmmaker; Brock’s Monkey Productions